Friday, April 9, 2010

13 Left on Base

13 LOB, that's the real story. You cannot leave that many guys on and expect to win. I guess old habits die hard. The only season in memory where the Cubs did not bat differently when they wanted to get guys on and when they needed to drive them in was 2008. Clearly they are not back to any semblance of situational hitting yet.

Another observation, similar to the other Cubs losses. Silva is cruising, 1 run, 3 hits, 71 pitches, 6 innings. Well, when you are playing Lou-ball, that's it, and it's on to the young, unreliable bullpen. Berg is OK, Cardidad wild. What I don't get is when a reliever is wild, and not getting the benefit of the doubt from the umpires, how does it inspire confidence in the pitcher to leave him in? The result ultimately is a loss.

Characteristically for a Dusty Baker team, they did their best to lose, bungling up two routine plays, but Tracy made the final out on an excuse-me swing.

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