Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Six and Counting

The Cubs won their sixth game in a row last night behind Jake Arrieta.  I'm sure Maddon did not want to use Strop or Rondon in what until the eighth inning was pretty much a laugher.  Still, they got it done.  The Cubs missed Motte in that one, or at least an effective Motte.  Motte has been pretty awful for the week or two leading up to the DL stint.  The guy they are really going to miss for the next month is Soler, who was getting close to being the player everyone thought he could be since his return from the DL.

For some reason the Cubs seem to be stockpiling pinch runners back in the minors for the September run.  First Berry, now Bonifacio.  I suppose it may be helpful, but it hardly seems a priority.

Hendricks pitches tonight against Peavy.  This matchup favors the Cubs if Hendricks pitches back to form.

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