Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Deals

The Cubs launched Rebuild 2.0 today, not exactly with a big bang.  They traded DFAed relievers with the Dodgers, dumping the much maligned Carlos Marmol for the probably washed up Matt Guerrier.  Guerrier was a decent enough long reliever/setup guy for the Twins, but he has been a complete bust with the Dodgers.  He is 34 years old.  I don't know what the exact financial arrangements are here, but neither guy is signed for next season.  Marmol made about $9MM for the Cubs and Guerrier was taking down $4MM from the Dodgers, so on the surface, the Cubs save the pro-rated difference between the two for the rest of the year.

The Cubs also dealt the surprisingly effective Feldman and the half-decent utility player when he isn't hurt Steve Clevenger to the Orioles in exchange for two pitchers of indifferent ability who earn next to nothing.  Jake Arrieta was once a much-hyped prospect who never amounted to much with the Orioles.  He started the year in the rotation, but was so bad, he got sent down to AAA.

The thing is that Arrieta is 27 years old, which is no spring chicken even for baseball pitchers.  I'm sure the Cubs think he has the potential to become another Travis Wood.  My own inclination is to consider him more likely to be another  Chris Volstad.

The other pickup in the Feldman deal was Pedro Strop, a 28 year old reliever.  Strop had a good year in 2012, but has been a bust this year, more than likely because the Orioles used him in 70 games last year.

The real key to these deals is money.  Feldman was making around $7MM, the other guys were all being paid around the MLB minimum.  Once again, I would argue that irrespective of the potential of any of the players exchanged here, what we are seeing is the playing out of a business scenario that has little if anything to do with building a successful baseball team at the major league level.

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