Sunday, April 13, 2014

Rain Delay

Lets hope it rains long enough to prevent Jackson's return.  I hate to be negative, but what on Earth the Cubs saw in this guy to give him a lucrative four-year deal, I do not know.

Speaking of poor management decisions, one cannot help but note that the Cubs used Villanueva as a starter in Saturday's game.  After he had pitched badly, they brought in Chirs Rusin to mop up.  Five innings, one run.

Before the end of spring training, there was a big debate as to whether they should bring Rusin north and use him in the fifth starter role until Arietta was ready or go with Villanueva in that role.  Guess what looks like the conventional but wrong decision now.

I only offer these jabs at management because they have uniformly gotten a free pass from most commentators and the established press for the past three years.  There seems to be some thought in their moves, but they sure are wrong a lot and no one ever mentions it in polite company.

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